Our Network, People, & Partners

The Olohana ‘Ohana

Ohana Olohana Foundation, HawaiiThe Olohana Foundation is focused on building community capacity and cohesiveness around systems of food, energy, and knowledge so that in times of crises, the community can respond swiftly and effectively.

The collaborative includes a diverse network of people and partners. Olohana works to establish relationships with its partners around projects and items needing social action. Partners share their research, data, data analysis, skills, knowledge, spirit, and commitment to creating community and gather regularly to discuss and solve community issues.

Partners include the NOAA National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration, UCAR/NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research Rising Voices, IPCCWG Indigenous Peoples’ Climate Change Working Group, the PRiMO IKE Pacific Risk Management ‘Ohana Indigenous Knowledge and Environment Hui, UH NDPTC University of Hawaii National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, the Intertribal Council On Utility Policy (COUP) and HINU Haskell Indian Nations University in the areas of climate variability and extreme weather preparedness assessment and training.

The Olohana ‘ohana includes but is not limited to the following organizations and individuals:

Board Members

Talavo Avegalio
President; US National Guard

Maraya Ben-Joseph
Colombian-American Jewish
Secretary & Treasurer; New Projects Director; Ben-Joseph Farm

Lisa Colombe
Sicangu Lakota, Rosebud Sioux Tribal Member
Agriculture Specialist, 5th Generation Rancher/Producer

Kapi’olani Laronal
Kanaka Maoli-Filipino-Haida-Tsimsian
Director, Indigenous Life Coach

James Love
Caucasian White
Director; Love Farms

Jeff McKnight
Caucasian White
Director; Rising Sun Solar + Electric, ZAF Energy Systems Inc.

Sarah Pavlik Purgus
IndoMauritian-Caucasian White
Director, Farmer



Sarah Pavlik Purgus
CEO and Executive Director

Claire Pavlik Purgus
Associate Director

Maraya Ben-Joseph
New Project Director

B. Keahi Tajon
Community Project Director

Cara Moreau
RVCC Administrative Assistant


Advisors and Consultants (selected list)

Dr. Failautusi Avegalio, Jr; Director of Pacific Business Center Program, Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii
Carolyn Bjur; At Large
James Burke; Business owner; formerly at the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center and Public Transit Division, Honolulu
George Cattermole;
At Large, San Gregorio General Store, Stanford
Steven Conger; P4P Energy, Yale University
Craig Elevitch; Agroforestry Net
Robert Gough; Intertribal Council on Utility Policy (Sadly, Bob passed to the spirit world on September 17, 2017. We mourn his loss but continue to listen for his wise guidance.)
Penny Livingston-Stark; Regenerative Design Institute, Gaia University
Kathy Love; Love Farms
Chris Shaeffer; Lomikai Media
M. Kalani Souza,  Olohana, Inc., PRiMO, UH NDPTC, IPCCWG 
Founding Director
Julie Kai Stowell; Lomikai Media
Ramsay Taum; Life Enhancement Institute of the Pacific
Kaleo Ten, At Large